Piper & I went into town with Dad and he was taking so long at someones house so we started walking towards the coffee shop..
Where she ended up with her first ever milk mustache. Can hardly see it but its there.
Using a spoon somewhat properly
I can do it I can do it
She loves to watch her puppies out of this window
Sunday, Grandma & Grandpa took the kids ( Pipers cousins too in case you thought we somehow got more) and then phoned us at supper time to invite us for a weiner roast. DEELLLICCIOUSSS. Thanks Gma & Gpa was a lovely break.
Lanni being goofy. notice his super cute shark gumboots. stylingggg
All bundled up as it was slightly chilly still
Lanni bo banni
Piper and Lanni going for a ride.
she looks so big in the pic with her 2 top teeth showing! love it! we also have the same stroller but i didn't realize you can fit 2 kids in there - brilliant! :)
i'm loving the hot diggity dog photo....i think you have a food journalism talent in full swing:) you just put it together in a photo book...all your icecream photos etc.
Hey Kerbear...
We had dinner at your parents house on Sunday. I'm sure you heard about your dads yummmy rhubarb pie. Honestly it was so good. And Jenny's right, your hot dog pic is awesome. I'm totally craving one now. Did I tell you how I have a westjet credit? I'm gonna come see you :) Kirst and i were talking about it, for Pipers b'day.
Love you lots!!
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