Enjoying the nice warm days
Grandma got Piper a nice pint sized chair so she could sit at the hobby shop too
Patrick cuddling up with Stan the Man
This is what happens when she eats popsicles
Good table manners
Daddy gave me the beaters to lick... mmm yummm
So Piper started walking on her own on Friday night. Age 10 months 2 weeks 4 days. Its about time. Seems like i was holding her hands walking around FOREVER. Someone still has to stand behind her as she tips over the odd time but its much nicer than being bent over all day. I haven't got any photos of her walking yet but I will try to today. I dont seem to be able to upload videos either.. hmmm.
wahooo piper!!!! what a cutiepie!
YAY!! Thats so exciting...apparently this is when the real work starts...
She's such a cutie...a mini you I would say!
Yay! Go Piper!!
The pic of her being all flexible reminds me of you sooo much!
love u guys...
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