July 5, 2010

Piper's 1st Birthday

The Leversage Fam Damily minus Brett
Hehe... we gave Chai a much needed hair cut so Kirstin put her left over hair to good use.  To bad she's a little confused on her seasons
A quick trip to the fair
With her Dad
Carrying her present from Uncle Tyler & Mary Rose
There have been lots of storms this past week! I love it except for the thought of tornados
Chai enjoying the book case (this is before the hair cut)
Lanni thought it was hilarious to pinch toes with the tongs on Pipers Mcdonalds set
Piper's drive-thru from G & G Allan

Well Piper turned 1 on July 3rd. Hard to believe. Lots of presents. Thanks everyone!!


Unknown said...

Happy (Late) birthday Piper!! The beard is a good look for Kirst...just don't let her get waxing happy with it...or gum caught in it... haha

Tracey @ My House of Giggles said...

awwww...Kerri...Piper is so cute!! I cannot believe it's been a year already! It goes pretty fast, right? Love that frilly little blue dress!
And Tobes would die for that McDonalds drive thru!!! It's one of his favourite "games" to play. That and Starbucks! haha...poor kid. He shouldn't actually know what either of those are. hehe

London said...

happy birthday piper!!! i love all the fun toys you got! :) love london

AJ Bird said...

AW Looks like Piper had an amazing b'day! "Harro, can i take your order please?"

Shannon said...

AWWWWWW. pipes is a doll!! ( my fave is the one in the blue dress above the ice cream pic)
loving the mcdonald's set also!!!!!!
Hope ur havin a blastt with the family! MUAHHH.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Pipes!!!!

Glad to know that there is now a McDonald's a bit closer to the farm...and even drive thru!!!!

Luv The Toon Crew