June 22, 2010

Trip to Calgary & Camrose

Grandma & Piper at Uncle Tyler & Mary Rose's
Thanks for the DELICIOUS meal!
Piper's new dress for Aunty Denise's 60th Party. 6-0
Mom & Aunty Denise
Aunty Denise & Hope (grandaughter) & Piper (great niece)
Cousinly Love???
Nicole, Robin, Aunty Denise, Hope, Mom, Piper & I
Piper, Me, Mom & Tyler
Piper playing at Aunty Denises. Coolest kitchen ever!! the stove even boils when you put a pot on.
Cody the very LARGE cat
On the way to Camrose to see Aunty Lisa. Yipeeeeee!
Aunty Lisa's lovely house.
Aunty Lisa & Piper playing in the pond. It was quite a hit.
Not impressed
Mom & Piper snoozing
Lovely Lilacs

Well on Wednesday we headed to Calgary to see Uncle Tyler & Mary Rose & Grandma. Where we had a delicious meal. I had forgotten how much traffic sucks as she screamed the last 45 minutes as we were stuck in Calgary traffic. I must say I was quite proud of myself and the fact that I didn't get lost once on the way to their house (If you know me you know I have a horrible sense of direction)

Then It was off to Aunty Denise & Uncle Jerry's! We stayed there two nights, did a little shopping, eating, relaxing & had a great time. Piper even got to meet Hope, her second cousin, for the first time. Thank you so much for the wonderful stay!!

Mom, Piper & I left Friday morning for Camrose. We even got to see where Mom grew up, near Didsbury. More of the same at Aunty Lisa's. DELICIOUS food (Thanks Vince & Aunty Lisa), little bit of shopping, lots of relaxing. Another marvelous time. Thanks Aunty Lisa, you are an awesome host!

Sunday morning we headed home! Piper was awesome! Slept for 3 hours right when we left and then woke up for a bit and went back to sleep for about the last 30 minutes. Thanks Mom too for everything!!! :) <3 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you and Pipes had a blast!!!

I love ALL or her cute little outfits!!!

Auntie A