Heading to Grandma's for lunch
Best buds --- Piper & Diesel
Modeling her shorts
First time on a swing.... there was a little tooo much room
Lanni monitoring the kite situation
Haden watching the kite fly
Haden's photography skills :)
Bob & Sheldon holding on for dear life
Lets go fly a kite up where the sky is bright....
Two cutie patooties going for a bike ride
The Bike Crew minus Sheldon and I
A perfect Sunday complete with Lunch at Grandma & Grandpas, kite flying, Gardening + a WONDERFUL bike ride.
aaaaww. kerri these are awesome fotos. good work. you really know how to work that lite girl:) i want the one od s & b flying the monster together....please. hee hee
i love them all...gma
love the shoes!!!!
other gma
whoot whoot!!! yay, Kerri's blogging too!!!
love it :o) Ang
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