March 18, 2010

We miss you Aunty Kirst!

See I'm not too young to play with puzzles Grandma

I scream you scream we all scream for Ice cream

Out for a walk on a LOVELY day. Piper loved sitting upright in the stroller, it is usually too windy/cold for that!
Heres a cute house for you Grandma!

Like my new clothes?

Aunty Kirstin came for a visit a week ago today. It was lots of fun but definitely too short. We had a roaring good time, about as roaring as you can have in Swift Current. Went for walks, coffee, swims, tried on our new clothes.... It was lots of fun but definitely too short. We miss her already!  :)


Anonymous said...

wha a smart kid !!!!!

Tracey @ My House of Giggles said...

awwwwww!!! kerri, she is so so so cute! I just found your blog on Jess' page....hope you don't mind if I follow along :)
And for the record, Tobes is still completely obsessed with you. it's really funny. You're the main character in everything he plays now...I mean EVERYthing! It's always like "You be Toby, and I'll be Kerri"...haha.